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Join date : 2024-09-17


Tue Sep 17, 2024 12:19 am

                   DOMINIC PRISON

The darkness of the night was adorned with fascinating stars as it was very late. The world was calm, especially in areas where people relied on sunlight for their daily activities, which seemed endless but had a beginning, where you could see people moving from one place to another in search of necessities and other human needs.
However, that night was very different. The night was thick with darkness, thanks to the electric lights that kept the city attractive and pleasant, even as heavy rain fell, reducing the number of people moving around significantly.

That night was when a convoy of five military vehicles was speeding down the road, with the drivers appearing to be extremely cautious to ensure they arrived safely at their destination. These military vehicles were escorting a single prisoner transport vehicle, which was in the middle of the convoy, making a total of six vehicles moving together at that time.

The convoy was heading out of the city, where as time passed, the darkness grew thicker since there were no lights to illuminate the areas, especially those that were not residential.

The prisoner transport vehicle contained a small metal cage where the prisoner was confined, with chains binding him all over his body. He did not appear to be a very pleasant or ordinary person, which is why, despite the presence of trusted military officers, he was not given any chance of freedom but was instead chained extensively.
Inside the small cage of that prisoner transport vehicle, a man could be seen from a distance due to the lack of light that night. His shiny bald head was clearly visible, and his body, which was bruised and cut, was distinctly outlined within the vehicle. He appeared to have his eyes closed, if not asleep.
It was unknown what exactly this man had done in his life to warrant such intense security, with six military officers present in the vehicle, their weapons aimed at him, ready to shoot if he attempted any wrongdoing.

After a long journey, the vehicles suddenly stopped, making the man open his eyes. His eyes were burning with emotions, revealing a depth of pain whose source was unknown, leading to his current state of being bound in chains.

In front of where the military vehicles stopped was a tall, robust wall, evidently built with great strength over a long time. In the middle of these walls was a large iron gate, which was slowly opened as the convoy arrived, allowing the vehicles to enter.

Above this large gate were large inscriptions reading "DOMINIC PRISON." It was the most feared prison in Tanzania, a place no prisoner ever wished to enter, regardless of the severity of their crime. This was due to reports that it was completely contrary to human rights, and many people campaigned for its closure, as no one had ever been sent there and returned alive and in good health. This was where the man was to be taken that night by the military convoy.
In one of the large and better rooms within the building, a man sat in uniform adorned with stars, sipping tea slowly, holding a pen, and continuing to read the report about the man he was soon to receive.

He was the warden of Dominic Prison, Luka Gambino was his name. He had once been a colonel before assuming this position, and his past history was not very favorable. As he reviewed the information about the prisoner, there was a knock on his office door, and he allowed the person to enter, at which point his assistant also came in.
"Sir, the suspect has arrived. We are only waiting for your orders," said the assistant, causing the warden to give a faint smile.
"This is the most significant news I have been waiting for in my life. Successfully holding such a person in this place will bring me great acclaim nationally, and everyone will want to know who I really am. This is where I will show that young man that the world is not a safe place, especially for people like him. I swear this will be his worst end; he will wish he had managed to commit suicide before entering this building. Take him to where he is now," he spoke emphatically, marking an X on the picture of the man, whose crime was not clear but was intensely guarded.

The man bound in the prisoner transport vehicle appeared to be in great distress upon realizing he was inside the prison walls.
The pain seemed to consume his heart so much that tears flowed down his cheeks without a way to wipe them or anyone to help. It did not seem to be a good place in his life, which is why he was crying. This place seemed to have such a significant history that his soul was racing after reaching it.
He closed his eyes with emotion and when he opened them again, the tears were gone, and the vehicles were stopping abruptly, causing him to stumble slightly and bump into a metal bar, but he showed no sign of shock as if it was just a normal occurrence to him. Many soldiers disembarked and approached the vehicle he was in, after which six guards who had been protecting him opened the large doors of the vehicle and removed the cage with the prisoner.

During all this time, respect was given to the chief warden of the prison, who had arrived at that moment. The elderly man, nearly sixty years old, came to receive the prisoner. He approached the officers, and one of them, the leader, came closer, gave his respect, and then provided instructions needed before receiving his prisoner.
"Sir, our job was to deliver him safely here, and from now on, it will be your responsibility. The higher-ups will provide you with more information about this person and what you need to do, but from now on, we are leaving the headquarters. Do not make the mistake of giving him even a small chance of freedom because it could cause significant harm within this prison. That is why he must remain in chains until you are sure he poses no more danger to the lives of others in this area."
"There is no need to talk much; I know the type of person I am dealing with, and I am sure you also know the kind of place he has been brought to. He should fear for his life because this place is not safe at all for someone like him, and he might have a very short life span."

"Do whatever you must, but do not kill him because he might still be of use later. He is an important person and is suspected of having confidential information that could threaten national security."
"Tell him he will not die but will wish he had died where you picked him up. First, you made a huge mistake shaving his hair there; you should have brought him here so I could shave him myself. A fool like him does not deserve to live comfortably."
"Forgive us for that, sir. We are leaving and wish you good luck." The respected warden did not respond to the chief commander's comments but merely smiled and signaled his men to take the prisoner out of the cage while the commanders left the area swiftly, as their job was done and from then on, decisions regarding the prisoner were no longer theirs.
After being removed from the metal cage, with chains on his hands and legs connected to his neck, the man was pushed towards Luka Gambino, the chief warden of the area. This man, who had never known civility or understood the true meaning of compassion in his life, was a very cruel person feared by every prisoner or anyone who had come into contact with him, even briefly.

His required journey brought him to a place well-lit enough to show him clearly. The man, who was no younger than thirty-five, was visibly marked, with sharp, red eyes. His body was not in good shape due to bleeding.
Blood was flowing profusely from his right rib, with a knife stuck in the area showing that someone had embedded it and not removed it, causing him severe pain, but he had no time to deal with it as he was bound and unable to pull it out. His legs were bare, and every step he took left blood stains. His legs were pierced with nails, and his clothes were tattered and stained with blood, with his right thigh having enough blood and a barbed wire still embedded there. It seemed that shortly after he arrived, he had been subjected to severe beating by those who had brought him to the area.

And thus, we open the first page of this narrative.
I don't want to talk much; join me next time to play with this ink together...
Chapter two
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